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    Printing pdf

    Never mind there must have been something going on with my phone and my tablet for today. It printed just fine. Thank you for your time
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    Printing pdf

    I am trying to print a recipe but when I press the print key it says cant create PDF Thanks Bobbe
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    Lavender base bar

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    Thank you Yooper for your reply as I said or was I just not looking in the right place Bobbe
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    Either I am missing how it's done or I would like to see a feature to where when you start making a batch you have a way of seeing the total cost of the batch and ingredients. That is so that you can understand your cost per batch Bobbe
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    I am enjoying the app and still learning but great so far
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    I was just a little slow on the learning curve
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    I am using the app. I figured out that when I copy I have to move to the builder tab to save it from my original recipe
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    I have a couple of times now open a recipe that I liked and decided to add an ingredient so I hit the copy. But the problem is after I change the name, change the date and save it. The original recipe no longer exists. Do I need to only create recipes by starting from scratch?