Recent content by carynped

  1. C

    Christmas Tiger #2

    not paying attention - went overboard with the castor oil and had to recalculate lye and water!!! HATE HATE HATE TD Only slight acceleration with Christmas FO but stirred it out !
  2. C

    Christmas Holiday soap !!!!!

    need to practice lines- put a line of fools gold down the middle patting myself on the back!!! NOOOOO it didn't saponify and had lines on the outside edges of the soap!!!!!
  3. C

    Goats Milk & Lavender 30/10/23

    Performed beautifully - will keep this as future recipe
  4. C

    Summer Punch

  5. C

    Shaving Soap x2 palm molds - Sandlewood EO

    dang -doubled the EO - absolutely covered with soda ash - even though i sprayed alcohol -water discount
  6. C

    I've added kaolin into additives twice

    I added kaolin twice in additives yet it doesn't show in 'my supplies' under additives. When I start a new recipe it comes up twice in the additives, except one has inventory and the other one doesn't. I cancelled and re-entered the invoice but that has made no difference. Thank you for any help
  7. C

    Goats Milk & Honey - St Johns

  8. C

    Goats Milk - No EO/FO

    Double batch - the bomb
  9. C

    Are we able to cost bars of soap?

    OMGosh, you're a legend!!! I don't know how I missed that.......thank you so much :)
  10. C

    Are we able to cost bars of soap?

    Is that a facility that is on Soapmaking Friend?
  11. C

    Green Soap

    Oils 114, Lye 104 - 500 plain base, 670 spirulina Poured the base, mixed the spirulina and it became quite thick. Poured from height and it didnt go through rotflmao. Spooned it over both sides and filled with the rest of the batch went to trace quite quickly - pomace/tallow?
  12. C

    Blue Soap :)

    In the pot swirl - oils 109, lye 103 - Nice Cut 24 hours later - bit sticky
  13. C

    How do you record water replacement in recipe?

    you can definitely state 'locally sourced brewed beer' - thank you for your help :)
  14. C

    How do you record water replacement in recipe?

    Thanks so much, that helped a lot :)
  15. C

    How do you record water replacement in recipe?

    I used guinness to replace the water with the lye - how do you record that? Any help appreciated :)