Some bugs on the website?


New member
Feb 29, 2020
Hi, I just noticed these few things while using the website:

1. When creating a recipe, there is an option to create based on the total batch size. So for example I decide to create a batch of 1750g of soap, this feature doesnt work by default when the option above (the L x W x H dimensions) is at zero. It seems like some value is needed to be present there. So I filled them all with 1cm each, then selected the option below ("By total weight") and typed in 1750g and it works correctly. If they were saved with 0 as the measurements, the next time you click on your recipe, it will show all required oils as "NaN" amounts.

2. When creating a batch, the numbers for all the individual prices of the ingredients are calculated and shown to you. Once you close that screen and go back to the batch and open it, it shows you only the oils and its costs. None of the lye, additives, packaging etc are factored in and just shows me the oil costs for some reason.

3. Its not possible to delete a batch and have the ingredients back into the inventory. Its quite a useful tool to just create "virtual batches" to gauge how many batches of different soaps you can make with the current supplies you have. But then if you cant delete them, then its an arduous task to measure all your ingredients and adding them back into the inventory as a "fake purchase". I just cant see how not being able to delete a batch is useful to the user. Am I missing something here?

4. Is it possible to show a modal window / popup telling you that you are logged out? Sometimes I keep a tab open while creating a recipe and may wonder off into research and get back to the tab later sometime. The website functions perfectly but at the time of saving, you realize that you are logged out and none of the work you've done has been saved. This is rather frustrating, because there is no visual indicator, or at the very least, most websites that logs you off usually have some sort of system in place where you can log back in and continue where you left off (like drafts for emails or logging back in through a popup, etc). Or at the very least, alert the user that they are logged off when they are entering something to some field.

Thats all I can think off. If some of these are system specific, Im on a Mac (10.12.6) and Chrome (v. 79) if that helps.



New member
Feb 29, 2020
I also just noticed that when you make a batch and choose to resize, the ingredients does not proportionally go up or down. They remain fixed at the recipe's original weight. This messes with the inventory quantity and how much stuff you have remaining, rendering the inventory management kinda useless.


New member
Mar 26, 2022
I've also got issues with my lye weights not coming up in batches, and some of my oils are wrong or negative numbers.


Sep 4, 2019
I've also got issues with my lye weights not coming up in batches, and some of my oils are wrong or negative numbers.

Can you give an example please. This thread was from a few years ago and was resolved.